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New initiative aims to help independent photo retailers who want to get online, but cannot find a suitable supplier

New initiative aims to help independent photo retailers who want to get online, but cannot find a suitable supplier


A new initiative to support the independent photography industry launched late last week. is designed to help independent stores create bespoke new websites for their businesses, as well as access to an additional revenue stream through online photo gift sales.


Andrew Clark, formerly Tesco commercial operations manager of its photo category, founded the company following research that showed that 50% of independent photo retailers would like to have a website, but could not find a suitable supplier. The same research showed that at least one in five independent retailers see online trading companies as one of the biggest threats to their business, while 44% recognised that selling online themselves represents one of the biggest opportunities for them to compete in the market. is an online search engine, created for visitors to find the nearest photographic retailer. It also enables registered customers to create their own, bespoke and personalised, website through which to offer products for sale. In addition, gives members the opportunity to offer photo gifts for sale through a direct link to a photo gift site offering a variety of photography gifts.


Aiming to build rapid awareness is scheduled to launch to consumers in November this year with support from a sustained national advertising campaign to ensure traffic is high from the outset. It will be additionally supported with monthly competitions on the site to win cash prizes to spend through member sites – with commission from the prize purchase being paid to the store whose site it is purchased through.


Clark said: “I have a passion for the photographic industry, having started in independent photo retailing, so I wanted to help support the area in these challenging times. I did some research that told me independent stores were aware of the opportunity that online trading provides – and very aware of the threat from online competition – but that not all had a way of getting online; it’s a whole new business model and potentially daunting for them. With, these businesses have the opportunity to get online easily, without taking the risk of massive outlay, and with support from people who really care about their business.”


He added: “The next stage is to approach major manufacturers in the industry to show their support for the independent trade by helping to drive traffic and provide content for the site.”


Membership of is offered free until Christmas, and starts at £15 per month in 2011.