Uniqlo launches AI assistant
By Retail Technology | Friday August 3 2018
Fashion retailer Uniqlo has launched a new mobile assistant that utilises voice recognition and artificial intelligence (AI)
Created by Inamoto & Co, the Uniqlo IQ assistant is available to customers through via the Uniqlo app, Line or Google Assistant.
The app’s features include hourly product rankings, searching by occasion type and finding items featured in monthly magazines.
Digital realm
Once a product has been selected, users can either choose to shop by mobile or be directed to the nearest store to try on the goods.
Rei Inamoto, founding partner of Inamoto & Co, said: “As retail moves deeper into the digital realm, shopping needs to be not just portable and perpetual but personal as well. There has been a lot of talk about AI in the last few years but most use cases have been toys, not tools.”
The service is integrated into the Google Assistant app in Japan, which means that after saying ‘Uniqlo IQ’ or ‘Uniqlo FAQ,’ Google Assistant becomes Uniqlo IQ.