X5 Group launches media platform
Russian food retailer X5 Group has launched its own media platform food.ru featuring entertaining and educational content
The platform is a resource for all things food related, including recipes, healthy diet advice and the latest X5 offers, with a community of people who share culinary interests.
X5’s plan is to expand customer reach, generate traffic, and increase sales conversion in X5’s core businesses. Its presence includes the food.ru website, a mobile app of the same name, and social media accounts based on existing social network groups, blogging websites, and messenger channels that operate under the Bon Appetit brand.
They have all been acquired by X5 and will also be renamed food.ru. Through this, X5 will connect with customers at the food purchase planning and product selection stages.
“X5 aims to be present at all stages of the customer journey, which starts long before the customer enters one of our stores and stretches into the online environment. Consumer preferences are increasingly shaped by the media, particularly social networks, food-related sites, blogs, and podcasts. Our own food-related media platform is an important communication channel that connects X5 with our customers at the purchase planning stage,” said Igor Shekhterman, CEO of X5 Group.