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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #IT

Found 977 matching articles. Showing page 5 of 82.


Retail tech show announces 2014 plans

Published 14.05.13 by Retail Technology
Retail Business Technology Expo 2014 aims to stake its claim as the leading European Retail event with a number of planned developments

Why retailers need to IT to monitor NGOs

Published 22.05.13 by Retail Technology
The rise of activist organisations, in concert with the power of the internet and social networks, is forcing retailers to monitor their brands ever more closely according to expert Robert Blood

Reaping the benefits of online gift vouchers

Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
Online payments expert Justin Fraser says online retailers like La Tasca should learn from their offline competition by offering gift vouchers, but also warns to beware the security pitfalls
#Chip and PIN

Looking back on a decade of chip and PIN

Published 20.05.13 by Retail Technology
As one of the most successful retail technologies of recent times celebrates its tenth birthday, card payments expert Clive Kahn examines its impact on UK retail

ACHICA selects operational fulfilment partner

Published 18.05.10 by Retail Technology
Exclusive online private members store partners with GSI to pick, pack and dispatch luxury products

DFS factory goes live with new ERP

Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
The sofa manufacturer and retailer introduces new software to streamline and manage output from its manufacturing sites

SURVEY: Store will remain customer hub

Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
Pan-European retailer survey finds bricks and mortar will retain its strategic importance as the central touchpoint for engaging with ‘connected customers’

Signage show covers social media to location

Published 23.05.13 by Retail Technology
Upcoming European Sign Expo event gears up to look at signage and the developing role it has to play in visual communications from every angle

Kenco builds on digital coupon campaign

Published 23.05.13 by Retail Technology
Coffee maker boosts product trial for ‘Millicano’ with web-based digital coupon campaign designed to build brand loyalty in a secure and controlled manner
#Cath Kidston

Cath Kidston signs up for new web platform

Published 30.05.13 by Retail Technology
Six-way contest puts BT ahead of competition as UK homeware, clothing, accessories and outdoor products retailer scales IT investment to match growth

STUDY: SockShop enhances online experience

Published 31.05.13 by Retail Technology
Dynamic user-journey monitoring improves speed and overall online journey to boost sales and multichannel offering for the specialist retailer of socks and hosiery

Halfords revamps IT environment

Published 30.05.13 by Retail Technology
IT service management investment helps motoring accessory and bicycle retailer provide robust user experience and on-demand access to information