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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #ONLINE

Found 373 matching articles. Showing page 2 of 32.

#Richer Sounds

Richer Sounds enriches online customer experience

Published 26.04.13 by Retail Technology
Multichannel retailer updates customer experience offered online using web analytics information to refine proposition and boost satisfaction and sales

OnBuy launches rival e-marketplace

Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
Brand new British online marketplace not limited to barcoded items is set to launch in June to challenge the dominance of the current, global market-leading incumbents

Does e-retail require new merchandising capabilities?

Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
E-commerce experts, Adrian Gordon and Andrew Fowler, argue that segregated, 'best-of-breed' merchandising systems no longer make sense in today’s time-poor retail world
#Lyle & Scott

Case study: web sales boost for Lyle & Scott

Published 30.06.14 by Retail Technology
The Scottish knitwear and golfing brand wanted to grow its online customer base and its revenue per visitor
#Lane Crawford

Lane Crawford signs up performance marketer

Published 17.05.13 by Retail Technology
Long-established Asian luxury fashion brand chooses CPA network to reach shoppers online and drive international customer acquisition
#L.K. Bennett

E-commerce investment boosts L.K. Bennett sales

Published 14.05.10 by Retail Technology
New QuickLive platform implementation leads to massive increase in net retail sales for luxury British fashion retailer

Reaping the benefits of online gift vouchers

Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
Online payments expert Justin Fraser says online retailers like La Tasca should learn from their offline competition by offering gift vouchers, but also warns to beware the security pitfalls

ACHICA selects operational fulfilment partner

Published 18.05.10 by Retail Technology
Exclusive online private members store partners with GSI to pick, pack and dispatch luxury products

Kenco builds on digital coupon campaign

Published 23.05.13 by Retail Technology
Coffee maker boosts product trial for ‘Millicano’ with web-based digital coupon campaign designed to build brand loyalty in a secure and controlled manner
#High Street

High Street continues to lose online battle

Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
New report predicts that the UK retail landscape will continue to change as online sales grow at the expense of High Street stores and jobs across large and midsized retailers
#High Street

From the High Street to high tweets

Published 07.06.13 by Retail Technology
Retail veteran and one of Mary Portas' pilot mentors, Simon Baldwin argues that shopping centres are failing to cater for, adapt to and capitalise on m-commerce growth
#La Redoute

La Redoute expands e-marketplace

Published 07.06.13 by Retail Technology
French fashion and home e-retailer expands and scales its online operations with the launch of a new version of its marketplace