Articles tagged #WINCOR NIXDORF
Found 6 matching articles.
Asda trials 360-dgree scanner
Published 05.07.13 by Retail Technology
Till that automatically scans products on conveyor gets UK debut with one of 'big four' supermarkets#Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer updates kiosk tech
Published 20.12.13 by Retail Technology
Polytouch self-service terminals are designed to deliver true multichannel retailing by uniting online and instore shopping for UK High Street retailer#B&Q
NRF 2014: B&Q takes on omnichannel
Published 15.01.14 by Retail Technology
Love or loathe it, the term ‘omnichannel’ represents a force for major technology-driven change within ‘big box’ retailers like UK DIY giant B&Q, writes Miya Knights#Retail Technology magazine
Retailers revolutionise IT in their stores
Published 31.08.12 by Retail Technology
Industry experts and observers discuss the trend where consumer technologies are revolutionising instore retail environments#EuroCIS
EuroCIS 2013: Store tech takes centre stage
Published 19.02.13 by Retail Technology
Retail IT vendors focus on building out multichannel functionality with new operations hardware for the store#NRF
NRF 2013: Vendors target retail analytics
Published 16.01.13 by Retail Technology
The latest technology developments for tracking the flow of customers through a store to optimise layout and service levels, writes Retail Technology editor Miya Knights