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Syntechnologies (Syntec) has been appointed the new Casio Mobile Computing UK distributor, adding CasioÂ’s mobile devices to its rugged mobile computing range

Syntechnologies (Syntec) has been appointed the new Casio Mobile Computing UK distributor, adding Casio’s mobile devices to its rugged mobile computing range


Syntec said it currently works with over 150 retail and supply chain value added resellers (VARs), who supply established customers such as Bybox, Hobbs, H&M and Spar.


Sarah Hawthorne, channel and marketing director for Syntec, said: “We have been recruited as the distribution company for Casio in the UK and will introduce their new mobile devices DT-X7, DT-X30 and IT-800 across the breadth of the UK retail and field services industries. The DT-X7 in particular is a very lightweight product, ideal for front of store retail supply chain retailers. We’re already seeing a lot of demand for the products and are currently recruiting specialist retail resellers.”


Multifunction ease of use


Hawthorne continued: “Many retail customers spend a lot of money maintaining their estate of mobile computers, some spending in excess of £20,000 per month, however, as Casio products cost next to nothing to maintain they are ideal for retailers in the current climate. Based on an open architecture, the Casio range enables custom application development and systems configuration so that stock control, inventory control and price mark downcan be carried out with a single device.”


Nieve Cavanagh, senior product marketing manager for Casio Mobile Technology said: “Our products are manufactured in Japan to a very high quality. In addition, we have a London based service centre, which means we can provide local support in the unlikely event that there is a problem. These two factors are what really give our customers additional peace of mind.”


Craig Backham, business development manager for Casio Mobile Technology added: “Syntec is an ideal partner for Casio. They have considerable experience in the rugged mobile computing market and there are a lot of synergies in our line-of-business focus and go-to-market approach. We look forward to working closely with Syntec to build on these strengths and develop new business together.”