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First processor completes integration to MasterCard MOTAPS to enable rapid deployment for contactless programmes

First processor completes integration to MasterCard MOTAPS to enable rapid deployment for contactless programmes


Carta Worldwide, a global payment solutions provider, recently announced that it has completed work with MasterCard Worldwide to become the first global processor to integrate the MasterCard mobile over-the-air provisioning service (MOTAPS) – the world’s first enabling platform for near-field communication (NFC) programmes.


According to the card issuer, ‘MOTAPS from MasterCard’ enables issuers to capture revenue and gain competitive advantage by allowing a faster, more efficient and simple roll out of mobile NFC programmes, such as MasterCard PayPass, also saving up to 84% on provisioning set up costs.


Previous NFC handset trials faced challenges associated with either manual processes required by existing personalisation bureaus, or integration with third-party providers tied to specific mobile operators. MOTAPS has been designed to eliminate these constraints by enabling the secure delivery of personalisation data directly to the customer device at the point of issuance, via a standardised interface adopted by NFC ecosystem participants.


Firm bullish about platform potential


“We are delighted to be the first processor to integrate with the MasterCard MOTAPS service,” said Keith Hobbs, managing director of Carta Financial. “MasterCard MOTAPS brings a powerful service to the new wave of NFC enabled mobile handsets. This finally unlocks the potential of NFC handsets, facilitating a new way to pay for millions of individuals. It will enable issuers to provide customers with a straightforward mobile handset personalisation solution, broadening issuance opportunities and taking advantage of the rapidly growing market for contactless products.”


Kriya Patel, sales director at Transact Network Limited (TNL), added: “As one of the major providers of MasterCard prepaid cards in Europe, TNL is pleased to work in partnership with Carta Worldwide and together drive the further development of prepaid cards and contactless technology. This offers a whole new dimension in terms of convenience and this new facility provides great prepaid customer benefits in a sophisticated way.”


James Anderson, group head and senior vice president of mobile and emerging payments at MasterCard, said: “With MOTAPS, we are happy to support MasterCard customers and partners with a key infrastructure component that simplifies the deployment of contactless programs. A secure provisioning system that is scalable and that supports all form factors, is critical for the further advancement of contactless payments.”