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Professional golfing retailer targets multichannel efficiencies and visibility with PoS management software

Professional golfing retailer targets multichannel efficiencies and visibility with PoS management software


Direct Golf UK is to deploy Cybertill’s multichannel system across its retail operations.


The cloud-based electronic point-of-sale (EPoS) software will combine management and control of Direct Golf UK’s seventeen stores nationwide, e-commerce and mail order businesses.


Direct Golf UK was founded by Class AA PGA Professional John Andrew in 1991 and has grown quickly over its 20-year trading history. Andrew still has hands on involvement with Direct Golf UK and managing director, Neil Bell, is also a PGA Professional, as are many of the management team. This helps the business to retain its passion and focus for the sport, ensuring the business is entirely customer focused.


Managing sales across multiple channels


“Direct Golf UK needed a true multichannel solution to help manage all sales channels,” commented Neil Bell, managing director of Direct Golf UK. “The appeal of Cybertill is that it is web based, so everything is real time. We have a 75,000-square-foot distribution centre, 17 retail stores as well as the e-commerce site and mail order business.


“Cybertill will help all sales teams access live stock levels across the estate meaning that no sales opportunity is missed and customers always get the products they need. Another advantage of installing a web-based system is that we can quickly deploy it across all stores and we are able to keep the current EPoS hardware, which minimises any disruption in store.”


Ian Tomlinson, chief executive of Cybertill, said the system is proven in golf and sports retail sectors.


“And, as Cybertill is cloud based, they will have access to real time sales and stock figures helping to further consolidate the service they offer throughout the business. Cybertill also has a robust CRM [customer relationship management] system built-in, where all customer records are also in real time, this will aid the continuity of service across all sales channels helping Direct Golf maintain their high standards,” Tomlinson said.