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Paul Smith gets digital boost

By Retail Technology | Tuesday April 25 2023

British designer Paul Smith has seen increased revenue and conversions with new digital commerce technology

The company upgraded its legacy platform because it couldn’t provide the digital experience that truly represented the brand.

“As a fashion brand with fantastic shops, each very unique and well designed, I was frustrated at our fixed/limited monolith front end – the website you visited didn’t represent our infamous Pink Wall shop in LA, or our flagship in Ginza or Paul’s local Albemarle in Mayfair. I wanted the website to be a Digital Flagship that was fast, designed for us and our product and customers, so we could always be best in practice, not hindered by technology” said Hannah Bennett, head of digital at Paul Smith.

The brand began the process by installing Klevu on the existing monolithic frontend, before the larger replatforming project started. This allowed Paul Smith to lean on Klevu AI to maximise conversion and revenue during the transformation.

Integrating Klevu search, and category merchandising software from the product discovery platform has enabled Paul Smith to serve up more accurate results to shoppers faster than ever before. In just an 8-week period, Paul Smith saw revenue from search up by 74%, ecommerce conversion rate up by 31% and per session value up by 26%. Klevu AI automatically provides insights into real-time shopper behaviour, which in turn amends the order of the products and content to maximise conversions and revenue.

Bennett continued: “A lot of other companies we have either used or considered for merchandising were too singing and dancing. We were given all these options, and the reality is we’re a brand. We need to be telling customers what’s hot right now, and what they should be looking at. So we wanted something that we could plug in and just leave to tick over, like Klevu. Now, we will pin key products that we feel need to be highlighted, or easily switch product ordering to favour high stock items when we are in sale mode. Other than that we let Klevu AI run in the background and it works.”


Klevu’s category merchandising solution has seen conversion rates increase by 34%, per session value boosted by 20% for men’s category pages and conversion rates up 49%, whilst per session value has increased 15% on women’s category pages.

Alongside Klevu, Limesharp was chosen to rebuild Paul Smith’s ecommerce platform on a composable ecommerce architecture to suit the needs of the business.



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