Articles tagged #GARTNER
Found 4 matching articles.
Top 10 mobile technologies to watch
Published 26.03.10 by Retail Technology
Gartner outlines future wireless trends and predicts investments in mobile applications are set to increase during the next two years#Supply chain
Supply chains key to emerging markets
Published 26.07.13 by Retail Technology
Gartner prepares to discuss future direction of supply chain to capitalise on explosive emerging market opportunity#Gartner
100M to be shopping in AR by 2020 – Gartner
Published 02.04.19 by Retail Technology
Gartner has said it expects 100 million consumers to shop in augmented reality (AR) online and in-store by next year #ecommerce
The rise of headless commerce
Published 09.09.21 by Retail Technology
Analysts have been banging the drum for ‘headless commerce’ recently but why has it taken on such added importance? ecommerce expert and Spryker CEO Alexander Graf explains