Articles tagged #GS1
Found 4 matching articles.
GS1 UK unveils consumer-centric 2013 event
Published 12.04.13 by Retail Technology
Annual supply chain retail conference and exhibition is this year sponsored by Commerce Connections, Data Interchange, Lansa, Wesupply and Zebra#Supply chain
GS1 programme certifies first supplier
Published 13.02.14 by Retail Technology
Tesco supplier collaborates with GS1 UK to achieve supply chain standards certification programme first and to improve supply chain operations#Barcode
From the barcode to the Internet of Things
Published 28.08.14 by Retail Technology
Simon Walker examines the evolution of the supply chain over the last 40 years#Sustainability
QR code tech drives digital retailer recycling returns
Published 10.11.23 by Retail Technology
Ocado, Co-op and other retailers and brands use QR code-enabled data platform to provide digital deposit returns that incentivise consumers to recycle