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House of Dagmar releases new app

Swedish fashion brand House of Dagmar has launched its new mobile app on the App Store and Google Play.

House of Dagmar has teamed up with mobile retail specialists Ombori to create a free app that gives customers the opportunity to not just purchase but also be part of the decision-making process and engage with House of Dagmar’s social community that offers inspiration and style tips.

The launch comes after Ombori presented the app’s concept at a recent fashion tech Hackathon hosted by Microsoft. The challenge was for concepts to be built with integrations to Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Dynamics

“Since Stockholm Fashion Week, the response of the fashion community to our new app has been incredible. The Ombori team has been hard at work testing and optimising the app, and we’re really excited for it now to be available for our customers and followers to experience,” said Karin Söderlind, CEO, House of Dagmar. “Our customers are very important to us and we value their feedback, so an app that brought us closer to them was a no brainer for us.”

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