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Survey confirms personalisation benefits

By Retail Technology | Tuesday April 22 2014

New research highlights consumer online shopping preferences and indicates clear understanding of and demand for the benefits of added personal service

As many as 60% of UK consumers shop online every week, while over half prefer to complete purchases while in bed via laptop or tablet according to the results of its market research focusing on consumer online shopping preferences.

Research commissioned by marketing communications provider Sailthru, which was conducted among 1,000 UK adults by Redshift Research during March 2014, also indicated that UK consumers not only have a positive response to personalised communications, but actively understand the concept and today are demanding more tailored marketing communications from brands. 

Capturing the customer’s attention

In fact, 63% of UK online shoppers said they were likely to read a personalised message received from a brand they know and then complete that purchase (51%) following a personalised offer. 

A further 64% of online shoppers prefer it when a brand recommends products the consumer has previously shown an interest in – such as items on the wish list or in a shopping basket.

And 60% prefer it when a brand sends personalised communication with reference to a past purchase or browsing history. Almost two fifths also said that branded emails are ‘very’ or ‘sometimes’ helpful when tailored to their interests.

Improving personalised experiences 

But, with individuals interacting brands across multiple mobile devices, conversion and/or basket abandonment becomes more of a factor. Nearly half (42%) of online shoppers said they had abandoned a purchase because it was too complicated to complete on a mobile device and 60% still prefer to use a laptop over a mobile device, due largely to a poor mobile experience.
The consumers surveyed also said they would be more likely to increase both average order value and purchase frequency if every brand experience were optimised for their chosen device – 45% of shoppers said they were likely to make an online purchase if the website was easy to navigate on a mobile.
Neil Capel, founder and chief executive of Sailthru, commented: “The research shows that consumers are very clearly demanding personalisation from their online and instore shopping experiences. In order to meet this demand, brands must understand their customers on an individual level, deliver content that is interesting, timely and relevant to each user and also optimise that content to render on any device.

“The innovative brands that we work with have moved away from ineffective segmentation and instead created personalised experiences for each of their customers that tailors content across any device – whether that be via email, mobile or web. The results our clients are seeing speak volumes about the power of personalisation.”

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